Young at Heart
The world might define those over 55 as Seniors, but Ridgecrest refers to them as
"Young At Heart". This ministry knows that age does not mean you stop learning or living a life for Christ. Young at Heart encourages all men and women 55 and over to fellowship together and build strong relationships with Christ. Young at Heart meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11:30am for lunch to enjoy each other’s company and share interesting & educational programs. Email Lacy Gay
here for more information.
Baptist Men on Mission
Baptist Men On Mission (BMEN) are the men of the church taking seriously God’s call to be the husbands, fathers, mentors and churchmen who He has charged them to be. Being a godly man is the foundation to being part of the Baptist Men On Mission, because a godly man will be a godly husband, a godly father, and a godly mentor. BMEN meet the 2nd Friday Night of the Month at 7:30pm for Food and Fellowship. We have partnered with New Hope Baptist Church and alternate sites each month.